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Embodying Soul Memory from Advanced lifetimes on Earth & Beyond
Recording for FREE...

We all have our own Magic within us, skills, tools, technologies and full codexes of light that we have acquired in our countless lifetimes on earth & beyond!

The Missioned Souls on Earth have specific lifetimes to call back, and these lifetimes are the ones they lived in Advanced Civilizations & previous Golden Ages of Existence on Earth.
These previous civilizations on earth co-created the crystalline grids of our planet, where quantum libraries of light sit dormant until more and more souls remember who they are and activate the grids again.

As we call back more of our soul memory, skills & wisdom from these advanced lifetimes we in-turn activate those parts of the crystalline grids (as we are connected to them) and allow the ancient codex to be available to the collective, this accelerating the ascension journey for the collective and all life on earth.

When we call more of our soul memory back into this incarnation consciousness, we remember with precision, how to create our own realities and this is how we co-create a New Earth! ❤️

In this online channeled event you are invited to receive:

  • ACTIVATION: A Soul Memory Activation to call back tools, skills, technologies & light codes from previous lifetimes that support you in your own ascension and soul mission expansion.
  • INITIATION: Connect with Councils of light, Ascended Masters, Dragons & the Angelic Realm to receive guidance and support with your ascension path.
  • EXPLORE: The 4D Ascension Bridge & 5D Gate technologies and how to co-create with these benevolent gifts for a more loving and graceful ascension journey.
  • DISCOVER: The codex of Multi Dimensionality & how to embody soul sovereignty into the physical realms of existence
  • CREATE: alternate realities of your choosing, outside the pre created realities formed by the collective on earth.
  • PLUS lots more...
Please know, this transmission is part of the codex from Quantum Magic School & ALL the souls in this program are also receiving this as part of their pre-work for the full journey, so by joining us, you are experiencing my true body of work as if you were in Magic School too. 💜

Choose heart consciousness 
Choose 5D
Much love
Gaby 💜
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Embodying Soul Memory from Advanced lifetimes on Earth & Beyond
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Gaby Kowalski

Mission, Ascension & Abundance Coach/Mentor/Channel
Founder of The Oneness Foundation.

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